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《逃脱者2》开发团队Team 17专访


Please briefly describe your game to our players.

The Escapists 2 is the ultimate sandbox prison escape game. You’ll create your own prisoner with hundreds of different customization options to choose from and then have to live by the prison rules, attending roll call and doing prison jobs; all the while secretly engineering your bid for freedom by crafting and collecting the items you’ll need to escape.


Escapists 2是终极沙盒监狱逃脱游戏。 你将创建自己的囚犯,有数百种不同的自定义选项可供选择,然后必须遵守监狱规则,参加点名和监狱工作; 通过制作和收集你需要逃脱的物品,秘密地设计你的自由出价。


能否为我们介绍一下Mouldy Toof StudiosTeam17间的关系和故事?

Could you please let us know about the past story and relationship between Team 17 and Mouldy Toof Studios?

We originally joined forces with Mouldy Toof Studios at the start of 2014. Mouldy Toof Studios is an independent developer comprised of solo indie dev Chris Davis. We came across The Escapists on Kickstarter and instantly fell in love with the game.


Chris had been developing the game in Multimedia Fusion, and here at Team17 we recreated The Escapists from scratch in Unity to be able to bring the game to consoles too.


我们最初于2014年初与Moldy Toof Studios合作.Moldy Toof Studios是一个由独立独立开发者Chris Davis组成的独立开发者。 我们遇到了Kickstarter上的The Escapists,并立刻爱上了游戏。

Chris一直在开发多媒体融合游戏,在Team17,我们在Unity中重新创建了The Escapists,以便能够将游戏带入游戏机。



Game sequels are always good for polishing prequels' mechanics and adding new features. Compared with The Escapists, what do you consider the most important changes from The Escapists 2?

The sequel is packed with new content for existing fans as well as lots of changes and improvements to open the game up more for new players. The prisons themselves are bigger than ever with multiple floors, roofs, vents and underground tunnels. There are new ways to escape, new craftables, new customisations, an improved combat system and in The Escapists 2: Pocket Breakout you’re now able to unite with up to 3 of your friends with local multiplayer.

续集充满了现有粉丝的新内容以及大量的变化和改进,为新玩家打开了更多游戏。 监狱本身比以往任何时候都更大,有多个楼层,屋顶,通风口和地下隧道。 有新的逃生途径,新的手提箱,新的自定义,改进的战斗系统和The Escapists 2Pocket Breakout,你现在可以与多达3个朋友联系在一起当地的多人游戏。



What's the biggest obstacle you faced while developing The Escapists 2?

By far the most requested feature among the community was multiplayer, and in order to support that we had to rework many features from the original game but we’ve very happy with how it turned out and it’s been fantastic to see the different multiplayer escapes!




Compare to the prequel, the crafting system seemed more transparent to players, they'll know exactly what they need if they wanna craft something, why making this particular change?

When starting development, we ran a survey to fans of the original game to see what they felt could be improved from the first game and this is one of the elements we wanted to make easier to use and understand.





Was it difficult to design maps with serving both singleplayer and coop needs?

We worked hard to ensure the maps would work for either game modes, different prison maps have their own bespoke ways to escape in multiplayer and single player as well as the standard other methods of breaking out such as tunnelling out, cutting through the fences and performing a prison takeover.


我们努力确保地图适用于任何一种游戏模式,不同的监狱地图有自己定制的方式逃脱多人和单人游戏以及标准的其他突破方法,如挖出隧道,切断围栏和表演 监狱收购。



While designing coop mode, how do you keep the game 'balanced' between fairness in multiplayer games and entertainment in sandbox games?

The main reason the coop mode works well in The Escapists 2 is because we based the entire framework of the game ground up with multiplayer in mind. First and foremost, the entire prison layouts had to be of a certain spec in order to facilitate multiplayer all round. Beyond that the main bulk of the work was testing and reiterating with the balancing of availability of items, items being available in quests and also little loopholes in guard patrols – to allow players to identify the weak spots and act accordingly with their team mates.


合作模式在The Escapists 2中运作良好的主要原因是因为我们在整个游戏框架的基础上考虑了多人游戏。 首先,整个监狱布局必须具有一定的规格才能促进全方位的多人游戏。 除此之外,主要的大部分工作是测试并重申平衡物品的可用性,任务中可用的物品以及警卫巡逻中的小漏洞 - 允许玩家识别弱点并与队友相应地采取行动。



Tell us some inspiration The Escapist has taken from, and why do you want to make this game?

The original game was inspired by one of Chris’ favourite games as a child, Skool Daze. We also watched a lot of different prison films and researched escapes when designing the different escape methods.


最初的游戏灵感来自克里斯最喜欢的小孩之一,Skool Daze。 在设计不同的逃生方法时,我们还观看了许多不同的监狱电影和研究逃脱。



Are there any content/mechanics in The Escapists 2 that was something you want to be in the prequel but failed to do so cause various reasons?


We would have liked to have the Prison Alertness feature in the original, as in the original it’s more of an instant bust and you’re not exactly sure why you’ve been caught.


Now we’ve added it in to allow players to right their wrongs in their escape attempts and the rework of this functionality has been received very well as an alternative to just suddenly finding out your escape attempt had been found and as a result you would lose all your goodies.


In addition to this we added the secret compartment to your desk in the sequel which gave the player a bit more help in not having their efforts reduced to zero if found out!



现在我们已经添加了它以允许玩家在他们的逃跑尝试中纠正他们的错误并且已经很好地接收了这个功能的返工,作为一种替代方案,突然发现你的逃跑尝试已被发现,结果你将失去 你所有的好东西。




Can you introduce us to some of the maps in The Escapists 2, and what makes them so unique?

Of course! In The Escapists 2: Pocket Breakout there are currently 5 different prisons: Precinct 17 which serves as a tutorial to the game and a place where you can learn the mechanics and then Center Perks 2.0, the western inspired Rattlesnakes Springs, K.A.P.O.W Camp and Area 17 which is a secret military base in the desert with technology that’s out of this world…


当然! The Escapists 2Pocket Breakout中,目前有5个不同的监狱:Precinct 17作为游戏教程,你可以学习机制,然后是Center Perks 2.0,西部风格的响尾蛇弹簧,KAPOW营地和17区 这是沙漠中的一个秘密军事基地,拥有超出这个世界的技术......



Any inspiration have taken during background music design?

With the music for The Escapists 2: Pocket Breakout, we wanted to take elements from the original game and add extra layers/instrumentation to improve upon what was already there. We were lucky that the prison settings were quite bold, so in that sense the music style was already set by the relevant themes. As a base we always tried to get the tracks working using synths and then incorporate more organic instrumentation that matched the location/theme to finish the track. It was a tough job trying to glue the two elements together but when it came together it sounded great.  I really love the sounds and instrumentation used in the “Stranger Things” soundtrack so I guess you could say that was an influence on the game’s music…. I think this shows particularly in the games title track.


随着The Escapists 2Pocket Breakout的音乐,我们想要从原始游戏中获取元素并添加额外的图层/乐器以改进已经存在的内容。 我们很幸运,监狱设置相当大胆,所以从这个意义上说,音乐风格已经由相关主题设定。 作为基础,我们总是尝试使用合成器使轨道工作,然后结合更多与位置/主题匹配的有机仪器来完成轨道。 尝试将两个元素粘合在一起是一项艰巨的任务,但是当它结合在一起时听起来很棒。 我真的很喜欢“Stranger Things”原声带中使用的声音和乐器,所以我想你可以说这对游戏的音乐有影响...... 我认为这尤其在游戏标题轨道上显示。



What is your favorite in game mechanic?

We love the feeling of pulling off an escape. It can be very tense knowing that you might get caught and when you finally manage to get out – it’s a great sense of accomplishment!


We also love the freedom of the gameplay and just how cheeky you ca be with it. Whether it’s beating up your fellow in mates and stealing their clothing so they miss their prison job routine and are fired so you can take their place and earn some funds to escape with, or whether it’s flushing your neighbour’s bedsheets down the toilet so it blocks and floods! We love just having fun with the game world.

我们喜欢脱离逃生的感觉。 知道你可能会被抓住,当你最终设法离开时,它会非常紧张 - 这是一种很有成就感的事!

我们也喜欢游戏的自由,以及你对它的厚颜无耻。 无论是殴打你的同伴还是偷他们的衣服,所以他们错过了他们的监狱工作惯例,并被解雇,所以你可以取代他们的位置,赚取一些资金逃脱,或者是否它冲你的邻居的床单下厕所,所以它阻止和洪水! 我们喜欢玩游戏世界。



Are there any exclusive content that only available in coop mode?

There are unique escape methods that are only available if you’ve got some friends to help you escape!





Since The Escapists 2 release, are there any escape attempts that is completely out of your expectations? Please share us their story if you got any.

I don’t think there’s any one particular escape that I’ve seen that stands out, but the speed runs are really impressive to watch! It’s amazing to see people being able to figure out how to escape a prison within minutes of starting, hats off to those players!


我不认为有,我已经看到脱颖而出任何一个特定的逃生,但运行速度是让人印象深刻观看! 令人惊讶的是,人们能够在开始几分钟内弄清楚如何逃离监狱,向那些玩家致敬!



Players need to follow prison's schedule, craft and interact with inmates to escape the prison, have these mechanics being further evolved in The Escapists 2?

The core concept of the game remains the same but we’ve made many improvements to how the different systems work and introduced more content and ways to escape.





Are there anything interesting happened during the development that you may share with us?
There has been a few notable quirks and bugs that occurred during development, from talking dogs to guards breaking down walls instead of using doors! But the best was definitely during a point where all the NPCs were aware of every object in a room that was interactive… On one occasion I was playing in Rattlesnake Springs, and whilst running from the guards I ran into a room to hide from them. Completely unannounced, the Prison Warden then climbed out of a locker that was in that room and walked out like it was nothing! He had obviously wandered into the room and climbed in the locker as part of his random patrolling, we tweaked which objects NPCs were aware of after this!


在开发过程中出现了一些值得注意的怪癖和错误,从说话的狗到警卫打破墙壁而不是使用门! 但最好的当然是所有NPC都知道房间里的每个物体都是互动的......有一次我在响尾蛇弹簧中玩耍,从守卫那里跑来跑去躲避他们的房间。 完全没有通知,监狱看守然后爬出了那个房间里的一个储物柜,走出去就像什么都没有! 作为随机巡逻的一部分,他显然已经走进房间并爬进储物柜,我们调整了NPC在此之后知道的物品!



How do you keep the community engaged and keep producing high-quality content?

We’ve brought out a lot of different new levels since The Escapists 2 original release, and we plan to keep updating Pocket Breakout with more levels too.


The Escapists 2原版发布以来,我们已经推出了许多不同的新关卡,我们计划不断更新Pocket Breakout



Anything wanna say to Chinese players?

Thanks a lot for taking the time to read this and we hope you enjoy our game!



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